Elden Ring 1.09 Best Build For PvP & PvE - Top 3 Best Weapons In Elden Ring After Patch 1.09

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A major update is coming to Elden Ring. Elden Ring patch 1.09 has massively changed the sport. What weapons got buffed, what weapons got nerfed, and do you know the best weapons or builds in Elden Ring after patch 1.09? In this Elden Ring 1.09 PvP and PvE build guide, we discuss equipment,

Elden Ring Best 1.09 Builds Weapons - Elden Ring 1.09 PvP PvE Build Guide

Check our 3 best Elden Ring 1.09 PvP and PvE builds. For the first best Elden Ring patch 1.09 build, we’re providing you with a Gargoyle Twinblade strength build that works after the patch. It's mainly a strength build primarily because we will be investing the majority of our stats in a single main stat with bleed like a secondary. The next build is a high-damage Dragonscale Blade build. This build is fairly strong, you have to show this option that they're only some of the Omens around. Flails got buffed, so this is the last best Elden Ring 1.09 build that will probably be all about. Most insane PvP invasions and duels!

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No. 1 Elden Ring Best 1.09 Build

We're likely to be focusing on the very best Elden Ring 1.09 strength for Powerstancing Gargoyle Twinblades. This is a powerful one! As far as this build goes, you use strength as the main stat and we aren't even worrying about arcane simply opting for damage and bleeding like a secondary with Seppuku. There are different affinities and stuff you can use with this particular to make great use of the Gargoyle Twinblades. By the way, Gargoyle Twinblades is a little bit of a problem to get since you do have to fight the Duo Gargoyle boss fight. We possess the thorny tear and we’re using faith tear to obtain 25 for Buffs too.

Elden Ring 1.09 Gargoyle Twinblade Build Gear

Right Hand Armament - Gargoyle’s Blood Twinblade

Left Hand Armament - Gargoyle’s Blood Twinblade

Seal - Giant Seal

Elden Ring 1.09 Gargoyle Twinblade Build Armor

Helm - White Mask

Chest Armor - Raptor’s Black Feather

Gauntlets - All-Knowing Gauntlets

Legs - All-Knowing Greaves

Elden Ring 1.09 Gargoyle Twinblade Build Talisman

1 - Rotten Sword Insignia

2 - Lord of Blood’s Exultation

3 - Millicent’s Prosthesis

4 - Claw Talisman

Elden Ring 1.09 Gargoyle Twinblade Build Stats

Vigor - 50

Mind - 15

Endurance - 27

Strength - 89

Dexterity - 20

Intelligence - 7

Faith - 15

Arcane - 11

No. 2 Elden Ring Best Patch 1.09 Build

This Elden Ring build 1.09 might be your DLC build. First things first, get hold of Dragonscale Blade. This weapon is a superb weapon for inflicting Slash and Pierce harm to foes susceptible to lightning, scaling mostly with Dexterity and fewer so with Strength. Dragonkin Soldier within the Lake of Rot sometimes drops weapons such as the Dragonscale Blade. And we're using Erdtree Seal upgraded plus 9, you can take it to plus 10. We got the faith-knot crystal tear and also the Flask of Wonderous Physick alongside the lightning-shrouding crack tear too. For this post-op build Elden Ring 1.09, we will use the Flask of Wondrous Physick first, Golden Vow, Flame Grant Me Strength, and make it simple, and adequate.

Elden Ring 1.09 Dragonscale Blade Gear

Right Hand Armament - Dragonscale Blade

Left Hand Armament - Erdtree Seal

Elden Ring 1.09 Dragonscale Blade Build Armor

Helm - Okina Mask

Chest Armor - Beast Champion Armor

Gauntlets - Beast Champion Gauntlets

Legs - Beast Champion Greaves

Elden Ring 1.09 Dragonscale Blade Build Talisman

1 - Lightning Scorpion Charm

2 - Shard of Alexander

3 - Millicent’s Prosthesis

4 - Winged Insignia

Elden Ring 1.09 Dragonscale Blade Build Stats

Vigor - 55

Mind - 30

Endurance - 50

Strength - 33

Dexterity - 75

Intelligence - 14

Faith - 35

Arcane - 12

No. 3 Elden Ring Best Build After Patch 1.09

We have this Reverend of Marika build in which you use a flail having a bunch of holy damage and each of those things got buffed within this patch. Sacred infusion got buffed, holy damage as a whole got buffed, and they added holy harm to the Great Club. The flails attack, they're much faster now and that is insane. Flail weapon changes to boost the speed of some attacks reduce attack recovery time increase poise win two handling attacks. For this Elden Ring PvP build 1.09 specifically, they boost the scaling of some ashes of war when infusing them on certain weapons. Those infusions are magic, fire flame, art lightning, and sacred that is what we’re using the following.

Elden Ring 1.09 Reverend of Marika Build Gear

Right Hand Armament - Sacred Nightrider Flail

Left Hand Armament - Banished Knight’s Sacred Shield

Seal - Giant Seal

Elden Ring 1.09 Reverend of Marika Build Armor

Helm - Confessor Hood

Chest Armor - Confessor Armor

Gauntlets - Briar Gauntlets

Legs - Briar Greaves

Elden Ring 1.09 Reverend of Marika Build Talisman

1 - Erdtree’s Favor

2 - Millicent’s Prosthesis

3 - Shard of Alexander

4 - Flock’s Canvas Talisman

Elden Ring 1.09 Reverend of Marika Build Stats

Vigor - 60

Mind - 38

Endurance - 23

Strength - 15

Dexterity - 29

Intelligence - 40

Faith - 70

Arcane - 9
