Phase 1 Gearing up for Prot Paladin WotLK Classic WOTLK News

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Phase 1 Gearing up for Prot Paladin WotLK Classic WOTLK News WOTLK News

Phase 1 Gearing up for Prot Paladin WotLK Classic WoTLK Classic Gold News WOTLK News

Hello everyone Today I'm going to review phase one's gearing for Prop pallys as well as the Wrath of the Lich King classic. I've had the chance to check out the read many times via beta. This gives me fairly good idea of the way we'll be doing with this phase. Be aware that I'm always finding new information and coming up with different ways to optimize things as I continue to alter these sets. Note that at the time I made this video, some of the buffs on were somewhat unstable and would let you stack buffs that did not actually stack. So be careful what buffs you include on ADA upgrade so you get the correct number.

Additionally, Commanding Shout and blood pact can be stacked within the game but are not meant to. I'm assuming that this will be fixed before the release of raids, but you'll never know. The first set we'll to look at is a pre raid set. This set will differ from individual to individual based on how much gold or symbols of heroism that you're willing to invest, how lucky you are when it comes to drops and how close to raid release that you hit at. What I'm showing here is the BIST-free version of the pre raid base set, but I don't think that many people will actually get the exact set.

I lost everything in beta on a premade pally that had a lot less gear than this and none of the professions. It's clear that this set isn't needed, but useful if you have gold or emblems to keep. As a reference the palette I used on beta was buffed with 31 QHP raid with a few substitutions. I've added them to the item wishlist to allow you to hover over a slot and see the alternative options if you don't have either the emblems and gold, or you happen to be lucky with drops.

The most important thing is that you must have at the level of 200 blue gear in each slot or really excellent Sunmo pieces such as a ring of strong resolve. The truth is that almost all resolves are pauldrons of determination prior to an initial raid. It is also possible to get a 10 person raid or an ark Yvonne killed prior to the first Man raid depending on the time of your raid. This would allow you to start your initial 25 Man raid fully prepared, should you be lucky enough to receive drops in reputation. For me, I'd prefer the Wyrmrest agreement as revered, urgent crusade, acclaim as a cure, and buy WoTLK Gold Classic Tory exalted.
