Benefits of Olipop drinks
Prebiotics are an Olipop ingredient found in Olipop that offers unique health benefits. Prebiotics are indigestible fibers that feed the trillions of "good" bacteria in the gut. These "good" bacteria help break down the food you eat, help defend your body against foreign invaders, release energy, and produce vitamins. Given the definitions outlined by the FDA and USDA, Ollipop is healthy because it helps reduce added sugar from your diet while supporting your intake of one of the biggest nutrients of public health concern: fiber. Olipop is the first clinically supported digestive health beverage that meets consumers' real-world taste preferences in a delicious tonic that benefits the microbiome, digestive function, and metabolic health.
Olipop drink is safe or not?
Prebiotics are generally safe, but those who are sensitive or who consume more than their tolerance may experience gas, bloating, gastrointestinal discomfort, and, in some cases, diarrhea.