Top 25 Talent Assessment Tools in 2023 (How to Choose One)

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In our article, we have listed the top 25 talent assessment tools and how to choose one when searching for your assessment needs.

Talent Assessments offer valuable insights to HR teams about their candidates and improve talent decision-making. Here we have listed the top 25 talent assessment tools to consider when searching for your assessment needs. we will also explore the benefits of talent assessment tools, the biggest mistake often made when selecting tools, best practices to follow, and how to move into using an assessment marketplace.

Our List of Top 25 Talent Assessment Tools

Here is a compiled list of top global talent assessment tools to consider implementing in your talent processes.

Benefits of Talent Assessments Tools

Talent assessments have long been part of the hiring and promotional processes for most mid to large-sized companies. They come in different uses from the “time-pressured” Cognitive Test Suites, to the “discover yourself” Personality Profiles, and to the “let’s see what you’ve learned” Skill Test.

Business Performance

  1. Increasing sales while reducing attrition rates
  2. Extend tenure and improve performance. Get the right people in the right roles.

Candidate Experience

  1. Win appreciation with branded and gamified assessments in a quick and engaging hiring process.

Process Efficiency

Know your metrics and align your talent strategy. Focus on what matters. Easily and seamlessly present results. What is even more impressive to note is companies that have kept a close eye on measuring the impact of their talent assessments were able to produce objective figures such as:

  1. 36% increase in revenue
  2. 40% decrease in resources
  3. 40% decrease in time-to-hire
  4. 25% increase in tenure experience

The Single Biggest Mistake in Talent Assessment Practices

All these impressive benefits make it look as if HR teams can do no wrong when they include talent assessment tools as part of their core talent processes.

Negative Effects of Having Too Many Assessment Tools

If talent assessments hold that much benefit, what could possibly be the negative effects of onboarding multiple tools? Let’s explore the 3 key negative effects of having multiple assessment tools:
