The update also adds highly anticipated features

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9.1.5 patch 9.1.5 will also include Blizzard WoTLK Gold make a variety of minor changes to the game , in the form of changing the names of old achievements, eliminating images that are offensive, and changing the game's references to previous Blizzard employees. This change comes in the aftermath of a state of California lawsuit that accuses Activision Blizzard of having a "frat boy" culture of discrimination and harassment against women. 9.1.5 patch 9.1.5 is currently available on the game's test realm for public testing and is not yet set to have an official date for release.

WoW: Burning Crusade Classic Includes Two New Raids, Guild Banks and More

Players are now able to go into Serpentshrine Cavern to confront Lady Vashj or climb into The Eye of Tempest Keep to take on Kael'thas Sunstrider in World of Warcraft : Burning Crusade Classic's initial content update, Overlords of Outland.

The update, which is live today, means that the new raids are now technically accessible, a long attunement procedure is required to enter each one. The players must have completed several other raids, long quest chains, as well as heroic dungeons to be able to take part in the new Burning Crusade Classic content. This update also marks the beginning of the new Arena season that includes new gear available to purchase, and introduces two new factions that players can earn reputation in exchange for rewards.

In addition to new content, the update also adds highly anticipated features such as guild banks. Before this update guild leaders used to create multiple levels one characters and utilize their bags and bank storage space to store the various crafting materials and other supplies. This process became complicated quickly and those who run the guild banks having to exit their primary character, log into a bank account (or multiple) and coordinate the materials across all. Guild banks ease this process significantly, allowing members to cheap WoTLK Classic Gold transfer and withdraw funds easily.
