The reality that the system is becoming largely forgotten

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Shards of Domination was not the most popular option when WoTLK Gold was announced, as it caused many players looking to remain competitive to rebuild their costly legendary items so that they wouldn't be in conflict with other slots in the gear that could be used with Shards of Domination. Equipment with Domination slots are available from the most recent raid in the game, which is called the Sanctum of Domination and players are able to acquire up to five pieces of Domination socket equipment. The pieces can be outfitted by Shards of Domination that provide the player powerful effects passively.

After just one content patch It seems that players who rebuilt their legendary characters to make room for Domination socket gear, or who fought for their character's equipment with the most powerful Shards of Domination will only be able apply these items in a select few scenarios.

The reality that the system is becoming largely forgotten is another sign of recent WoW patch and expansions relying on new systems that seldom last. These systems often give players what many within the community call "borrowed power", i.e. power that does not come from a player's class or ability, but rather comes from systems that are temporary and after a while, can cause players to feel less powerful. Examples include the Legion expansion's new artifact weapons system, Battle for Azeroth's Azerite gear, and, lastly, Shards of Domination.

WoW patch 9.2 is not yet set to have an estimated release date, however, it is being tested on the game's test-realm public to the public. Patch 9.2 will bring an end to buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold Jailer's plans, and has been described as the closing chapter of the Shadowlands story . As it comes out the patch will open an exciting new area named Zereth Mortis, the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid, and other things.
