Developing an app that handles quizzes and evaluates marks is one of the best JavaScript projects for beginners. This project helps you clear your concepts and make you industry-ready for placements. Create a function that returns a Boolean value. This will give you a good idea of what datasets consist of and how to interpret them.
- Variables
Variables are essentially buckets where data is stored. They are labeled with unique names and can contain any data or value.
They are used in equations as a placeholder for unknown quantities. For instance, in an equation such as x+y=z, y is the variable. They are also used in if...else blocks to execute different blocks of code depending on certain conditions.
- Functions
Functions are the heart of any program in JavaScript. They are blocks of code that can be executed multiple times, take input and return output.
When creating a function, it is important to choose logical names for the parameter values. This will make it easier to understand the logic of the function and troubleshoot when errors occur. Also, keep in mind that parameter values are only visible within the scope of the function.
- Objects
Objects are containers for variables and functions. They are the only non-primitive data type in JavaScript.
Unlike primitive data types such as numbers and strings, objects can store many different values. This flexibility makes them useful in programs. Object names are usually strings. Any variables declared within an object are called properties, and functions are known as methods. Using the object spread operator, we can copy an entire object and its properties to another one.
- Arrays
An array is a collection of values grouped together based on their data type. The elements are stored at contiguous memory locations and can be accessed using index notation.
It is a very powerful computer programming concept. It allows you to quickly process multiple values of the same data type without having to define numerous variables. It also makes searching and sorting very efficient.
- Strings
A string is a sequence of letters or other symbols. In programming, strings are used to represent values such as names or words. Whenever you use a string literal in your code, the compiler creates a new String object to store that value. String objects are immutable, and they cannot be changed once they're created. However, there are a number of methods that appear to modify the contents of a string.
- Integers
Integers are whole numbers that include positive and negative numbers along with zero. They are used in many real-life applications such as a geographical level above/below the ground level, debit/credit of money, elevator levels, etc.
Understanding the rules and properties of integers is important. This includes the commutative property, additive inverse property, closure property, and multiplicative inverse property. This knowledge will help you perform arithmetic operations on integers.
- Date and Time
Creating applications that take into account dates, times, and timezones is very common in JavaScript. For this reason, the language has a built-in Date object and related methods. Date objects store a single number called the timestamp that represents epoch time. When a new Date() is created without arguments, it defaults to the current time. This behavior is undesirable and should be avoided.
- Object Methods
If you want to take your javascript problems for beginners skills to the next level, you need to understand object methods. They can help you compress code and avoid long pieces of nested if statements. They also allow you to use the this keyword inside a function. This allows you to call a method from any object. This is very useful when you’re writing an asynchronous application.
- Object Parameters
You've seen how functions work with other values, like numbers and strings, by passing them as arguments to other functions or returning them. Now let's see how they can work with objects by setting them as properties of those objects. Long parameter lists can make code cumbersome and hard to read. One way to avoid them is by using the parameter object pattern.
- Function Parameters
Functions are reusable blocks of code that perform specific tasks. They eliminate the need to repeat code throughout your program. Functions can take in data through parameters.
Beginners often struggle to understand the difference between parameters and arguments. Arguments are values passed into the function; parameters are local variables declared inside the function. This incredibly small detail can keep beginners behind until it clicks.