Who is responsible for sidewalk repairs in NYC?

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Sidewalk repair in NYC is a complex process requiring extensive coordination among several agencies. The Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) performs most of the repairs, but certain aspects may fall to other public entities including property owners and local governments. NYCDOT has taken steps to streamline the process and make it less costly and time-consuming.

The Department of Transportation is responsible for repairing city sidewalks.

The Department of Transportation is responsible for repairing city sidewalks. They have a contractor that does the work, and they're in charge of sidewalk repair in NYC.

Sidewalk repair in NYC is a complex process requiring extensive coordination among several agencies.

Sidewalk repair in NYC is a complex process requiring extensive coordination among several agencies. The New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) has primary responsibility for repairing city sidewalks, but it must coordinate with other city agencies to complete the repairs.

The Department of Buildings (DOB), Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and Department of Parks and Recreation all play a role in sidewalk repair projects. Additionally, NYCDOT must coordinate with both the Department of City Planning and individual community boards when they plan to make significant changes to streetscapes or pedestrian areas within their jurisdictions.

NYCDOT has taken steps to streamline the process and make it less costly and time-consuming

NYCDOT has taken steps to streamline the process and make it less costly and time-consuming. The agency has contracted out the sidewalk repair process to a private company, which coordinates with building owners and residents to perform the work and bills them afterwards.

The Department of Transportation maintains an online system that allows you to report damaged sidewalks in your neighborhood that need repair or replacement. You can also check on where they stand in terms of progress toward resolving your complaint by searching for it in this database: http://www2.nycenet2/siret/index_html?rpt=pothole_reportlang=en

It may not be obvious but there is an agency that's responsible for fixing your sidewalk.

It may not be obvious, but there is an agency that's responsible for fixing your sidewalk. The New York City Department of Transportation (NYCDOT) is responsible for repairing city sidewalks.

In recent years, NYCDOT has taken steps to streamline the process and make it less costly and time-consuming. They've created an online portal where you can report damaged sidewalks; they also offer free workshops teaching people how to fix their own walks in case they aren't able or don't want to wait for repairs from the city government.


The Department of Transportation is responsible for repairing city sidewalks. We know that it can be confusing to figure out who's responsible for fixing your sidewalk and we've taken steps to make it easier. The best way to find out if the DOT has been notified about a repair issue on your street is by calling 311 or visiting nyc.gov/dot
