In the US, diabetes is becoming a more and more worrisome problem. Diabetes affects about 30 million people over the age of 18, both those who know they have it and those who don't. This is about 30% of the population. Diabetes can be very bad, especially for the eyes, which are called "diabetic eyes." At the Southside Medical Center in Atlanta, Georgia, our goal is to set the bar for quality healthcare that is also affordable. This includes eye exams for people with diabetes.
What are the different kinds of diabetes?
There are different kinds of diabetes, and how to treat it depends on which kind a person has. Not all types of diabetes are caused by being overweight or by things related to being overweight. Diabetes can be there from the time a person is a child.
Type 1 Diabetes
Some people call type 1 diabetes "juvenile diabetes," which means that the body can't make enough insulin. When someone has type 1 diabetes, they need insulin and must give themselves fake insulin every day to make up for it.
Type 2 Diabetes
People with type 2 diabetes don't have trouble making insulin, which is different from people with type 1 diabetes. The problem is that the cells in the body don't respond to it as well as they would in someone without type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is the most common kind of diabetes that doctors see. It is strongly linked to being overweight.
Gestational Diabetes
During pregnancy, insulin may not work as well in the body. Most of the time, it's a short-term problem that doesn't happen to all women or during every pregnancy. Most of the time, gestational diabetes goes away after a woman gives birth.
How Does Diabetes Develop?
Testing your eyesight is important because it lets you keep track of how your vision is changing. Getting regular eye tests is a very important way to catch eye problems early and treat them. If you have diabetes and notice any of the following, you might need an eye exam for diabetics.
1. You can see better at night now
When you drive, how well can you see other cars on the road? What about signs on the streets? When you start to have trouble seeing at night, it's often the first sign that something is wrong with your eyes. Some common signs are seeing halos around lights and having trouble telling things apart at night.
2. Bleeding or an infection
A vision change isn't the only reason to get an eye check. They also let your doctor see how healthy your eyes and the area around them are as a whole. Sometimes a discharge means you have an infection, and some illnesses go away on their own. Most of the time, though, they not only need medical help but can also spread to other people. If something is wrong with the eyes, they might itch, be red, or leak fluid.
3. Frequent Headaches
There are many things that can lead to headaches, such as muscle tension, worry, and inflammation. They can also happen when the way you see changes. If you're getting headaches or migraines more often than you used to, you may need to see a doctor about your diabetes.
4. Vision Disruptions
Vision problems include things like auras, black spots, or "floaters" that move across your eyes and can be a sign of a major eye problem. If things like this happen all of a sudden, even if you don't have a headache, you might want to see an eye doctor right away. These kinds of problems can sometimes be caused by serious conditions, like holes in the retina or a retina that has come loose.
5. Tired eyes all the time
Eye strain isn't something new, and people from all walks of life often feel it. It usually happens when someone spends too much time in front of a computer screen or tries to read too little text. But if the pain doesn't go away quickly after you rest your eyes or if it lasts for 3 days or more, it may be a sign of something more serious than simple eye tiredness.
6. Being sensitive to light
Your eyes may be more sensitive to light than normal if you have an infection, a scratch on the cornea, or a disease like meningitis. If you suddenly feel sensitive to light and it doesn't go away after a short time or comes back every now and then, you should talk to a doctor.
7. Trouble concentrating
Like eye pain, having trouble concentrating can be caused by things like small print or computer screens. But if you have trouble focusing on a single object in your field of vision or if you see blurriness when you try to focus on a single object, this could be a sign of a bigger problem.
Some people who have trouble focusing only have trouble when there is a certain amount of light. Sometimes the trouble seems to "skip" from one eye to the other. Even if it only happens sometimes, having trouble focusing is something that should be checked out at a diabetic eye exam to make sure there aren't any major problems.
When Is the Best Time to Schedule a Diabetic Eye Exam?
Schedule a diabetic eye exam as soon as you notice vision problems. If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes, the wisest move is to schedule an eye exam regularly so as to catch anything before it becomes a problem. Vision issues can be hard to detect due to the fact that eye strain is something that’s commonly experienced by many people regardless of their health status.
Diabetes is increasingly common, though great strides have been made both in preventive care and in the treatment of diabetes. If you think you may be experiencing complications due to diabetes then you can click here for best diabetes medicine.