FIFA 23:The deadline for this Objective is Jan. 13.

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Max. five players from the same leagueMin. three players from the same nationMin. three Gold itemsMin. 60 ratingMin. 25 Chemistry The necessity for Gold players could strike the impression that this SBC is more costly than previous ones, but that’s not the case at all. You can cheaply co

The Winter Wildcards Cup Objectives hold a bunch of different FIFA 23 Coins rewards for winning matches in the Live FUT Friendly: Winter Wildcards Cup game mode, and a couple of rewards for simply playing matches in the mode. Luckily, the Swaps Token is given for the latter. Play two Live FUT Friendly: Winter Wildcards Cup matches before Jan. 6 and the Token will be yours.

How to get FIFA 23 Winter Wildcards Swaps Token No. 20: Leandro Morgalla
Didn’t take long for Winter Wildcards Challenge 5 to roll around. You know the drill by now, here’s what it takes to secure the 20th Swaps Token:

Max. five players from the same leagueMin. three players from the same nationMin. three Gold itemsMin. 60 ratingMin. 25 Chemistry The necessity for Gold players could strike the impression that this SBC is more costly than previous ones, but that’s not the case at all. You can cheaply complete it, and doing so before Jan. 7 will result in a Winter Wildcards Swaps Token.

How to get FIFA 23 Winter Wildcards Swaps Token No. 21: Charlie Kelman FUT Draft is known for its high risk–high reward nature, but the presence of a Winter Wildcards Swaps Token among the rewards guarantees a net profit this time around. The new Token can be obtained via completing one of the Winter Draft cheap FUT 23 Coins  Objectives, namely playing one FUT Draft match. The key here is play, not win, so even if you get bounced from FUT Draft instantly, you will receive a consolation Token.
