WOTLK Classic: 8 Creative Ways To Increase Your Inventory Space

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Anyone who plays RPGs recognizes that the greatest gift, reward, or prize that may be obtained, much more important than gold, is extra inventory space

Anyone who plays RPGs recognizes that the greatest gift, reward, or prize that may be obtained, much more important than gold, is extra inventory space. Bigger bags means a heightened ability to carry the cool items found during those wild adventures.

In World of Warcraft: Classic, players need extra room for all types of interesting stuff. In a version of the game that does not have transmog or gear storage for sets, players need to get creative with regard to extra bag space. There are several handy methods to manage inventory space, although sometimes it means emptying those bags, too.

4. Learn How To Cook

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It might not seem like the Cooking profession is related to bag space, but players could make something useful out of all that junk they get while questing and hunting. That Chilled Meat and Succulent Clam occupy a lot less space whether it's cooked, and also the buffs aren't too shabby, either.

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Consumables aren't soulbound, except for certain flasks and holiday foods, so a different way to clear out bag space with the Cooking skill is as simple as turning that meat or fish into buff foods and either passing on away or selling it. Raiders need their consumes and some of the most expensive things around the Auction House are consumables.

3. Don't Be A Warlock


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Warlocks are the most useful class hanging around, aside from one thing; those pesky soul shards. Soul shards are an important regent for each Warlock, no matter specification, and it is recommended that the respectable Warlock also have a few within their inventory. This is another reason there are plenty of Warlocks that occupy Tailoring, so they could make their soul-shard bags.

In retail, soul shards are organized in different ways and don't require extra bag space. In Classic, however, Warlocks want to use a whole precious bag slot only for these pesky soul shards, and that's an entire lot of inventory spaces to give up only for the power of talking with demons.

2. Join A Guild

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It's not the very first reason that most players have for joining a guild, but the use of the guild bank does mean extra storage Besides, it's not only the user of the guild bank however the fact that most guilds can help lowbies and alts with bags along with other types of extra space for storage.

Officers in guilds have use of extra tabs within the guild bank and may lock up or restrict access for other people. There's some incentive to take the time to increase through the ranks of the guild.

1. Slay Onyxia

Onyxia in World of Warcraft

In the first incarnation of Classic, guilds that were able to slay the fearsome Onyxia reached fight within the loot, and one of the most coveted pieces was the Onyxia Hide Backpack. At 18 slots, back in the day, it was the biggest bag that anyone might have. Players would roll about this as if it had been a tier piece.

When Zul'Gurub was launched, High Priest Arlokk was the 2nd raid boss to decrease an 18-slot bag. In the retail version of the game, all of the above choices are 22 slot bags, that have been expanded once the Wrath from the Lich King was launched.
