5 major changes coming using the Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom expansion

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During the Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom presentation, a set of new companions that may aid players on their adventures with the Telvanni Peninsula was revealed

1) New companions arriving ESO: Necrom

During the Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom presentation, a set of new companions that may aid players on their adventures with the Telvanni Peninsula was revealed. Azandar Al-Cybiades and Sharp-As-Night would be the newest companions arriving within the Necrom chapter from the hit MMO. For those who missed out on Companions, they are permanent partners who will join you for your adventures within the game's world. Sharp-As-Night is an Argonian Warden, and the backstory is indeed a mystery. All we all know for sure is the fact that he’s a mercenary which he’s from Blackmarsh. Strangely, his memories are lost to him, and maybe we can help.

Azandar Al-Cybiades is a male Redguard and was humorously referred to as “Willy Wonka meets Dumbledore” throughout the presentation. He’s an Arcanist, and it has a singular focus - the quest for knowledge during Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom.

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2) Returning to Morrowind’s Telvanni Peninsula

The Telvanni Peninsula may be located in Morrowind, but it’s a place that players haven’t explored since The Elder Scrolls: Arena. This is essentially a newcomer to many Elder Scrolls fans. It’s likely to have that alienesque landscape that Morrowind is renowned for, with giant mushroom caps in addition to exotic plants and creatures. It’s also the place to find the city of Necrom, which has also changed since Arena. Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom uses the titular city as his or her base of operations with this expansion. A grim location, this is the location in which the Dunmer arrived to bury their dead. However, it isn’t the only familiar place that players will visit during this expansion. Necrom is an interesting city in Elder Scrolls Online. Its origins are a mystery, but what's known is the fact that it was formed after Vivec defeated the beast Gulga Mor Jil. The city was then developed on which remained from the beast, passing on a unique look one of many locales players will explore over the MMO.

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3) Oblivion Realm Apocrypha, home of Hermeaus Mora

The Oblivion Realm Apocrypha may be the home of forbidden knowledge and houses a specific (and fairly neutral) Daedric Prince - Hermaeus Mora. Also known as the Woodland Man or even the Gardener of Men, he may be the Daedric Prince of data and memory. As such, Hermaeus Mora can make an appearance in Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom.The visuals for Apocrypha are made from scratch and therefore are filled with cosmic horror and mountains with piles of books containing forbidden knowledge. According to the developers, the Apocrypha that fans know from Skyrim is here now, however, they put their spin on it. There’s much more to see and do within this foreboding place.

4) More than 40 hours of content is arriving in the Necrom chapter

Naturally, Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom may have plenty to determine and do as players explore these new areas. There will be plenty of Delves, Points of Interest, side quests, and the ones to meet. Additionally, completely new public dungeons are going to be available for players to challenge. Fans may even look forward to a brand new type of World Event that must be overcome. Oblivion Raids might find players going to Apocrypha to defeat the invading forces, in addition to three powerful bosses. Furthermore, a completely new 12-player trial is en route as well - Sanity’s Edge. Players will explore the brain of a member of the Mage’s Guild, which offers to be a distinctive experience. Success within this will mean powerful new gear and rewards.

5) The new class: ArcanistThe third new class to arrive at Elder Scrolls Online: Necrom may be the powerful Arcanist. You’re likely to see some pretty fantastic abilities arrive with this particular class alongside a distinct, brilliant green energy. Arcanists use ancient magic and cosmic body horror to both aid their allies and defeat foes. They have three skill lines, which, like Warden and Necromancer, are made around Tanking (Apocryphal Soldier), Healing (Curative Runeforms), and Damage (Herald of The Tome). Arcanists possess some genuinely striking abilities, as well as their overall design and skill animations look glorious. It's rather hard to resist the temptation of bright green laser beams.

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