In India, the Mahindra Tractor price range starts from Rs. 3.20 lakh to Rs. 14.75 lakh. With horsepower ranging from 15 to 74 horsepower, Mahindra provides a large selection of tractor models in India, including 4WD, 2WD, mini tractors, and AC cabin tractors. The Mahindra Yuvraj 215 NXT and Mahindra 265 DI are the models of Mahindra tractors with the lowest prices.
The Mahindra Arjun 555 DI, Mahindra 575 DI XP Plus, Mahindra 275 DI XP Plus, and numerous other Mahindra 4wd Tractor models are the most popular models of Mahindra tractors. A wide variety of agricultural tools are also available from Mahindra Tractors, including heavy-duty tractors, plows, cultivators, harrows, potato planters, reapers, combine harvesters, and threshers.