The Mission Carbon Capture and Storage Market Undertaking, created by Shell as a feature of the Athabasca Oil Sands Task (AOSP) in Alberta, Canada, is the world's most memorable business scale CCS project for an oil sands activity.
The Journey CCS project catches, transports and stores underground more than 1,000,000 tons of CO² from Shell's Scotford Upgrader close to Stronghold Saskatchewan, which was opened in 2003 to handle bitumen from Muskeg Waterway and Jackpine oil sands mines of AOSP, a joint endeavor of Shell (60%), Chevron (20%) and Long distance race Oil (20%).
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As the creator, developer and the administrator of the Mission CCS, Shell began development on the $1.35bn project in September 2012. The CCS project started tasks in November 2015. It chops down 33% of direct CO² outflows from the Scotford Upgrader, which is comparable to taking 250,000 vehicles off the street every year.